Lesson Four- Photo Transfers, Last Class for this session. Thank you all for taking my class.
Please sign-up for future classes upcoming in the Spring at U.T. Informal and The Art School.
Please sign-up for future classes upcoming in the Spring at U.T. Informal and The Art School.
Hi, everybody!
This Tuesday is our last class for this session of Amazing Acrylics. Thank you all for taking my class. I have enjoyed teaching you!
I have attached my favorite narrative art piece ever and by Norman Rockwell.
Narrative art tells a story so for our last project tell a story with your images and painting. It can be current events, personal, mythological or abstract.
1. As mentioned in class, we will be finishing up with a photo transfer(s) project. The first method uses the Chartpak Blender marker.
Please bring your Chartpak Blender (says Blender P-O (201) on the white part of the label) and photo copies (NOT your home printer or it may not work) from a place like OfficeMax- the kind that costs 9 cents on copy paper for black and white or 50 cents for color laser prints.
Remember to flip your image for this process for it to transfer the right way. You may want to get multiple copies made to bring along.
You do not have to flip the image for method number 2/below, which we will not be doing in class but I have provided this great info for you to try at home:
2. The second method requires some prep work. This uses the Acrylic Gloss Gel and here is what to do:
Coat your image (color or black and white copy station printout.) with a large foam brush with a thin layer of Acrylic gel medium. (Do it on freezer paper so it is not so messy. Repeat for 3-5 coats letting each coat dry in between. I alternate directions of stroke per layer- one layer vertical next layer horizontal and so on.
Let completely dry over night and soak your image in warm water and peel off the paper bits between your fingers while submerged in the warm water.
Miller's Blueprint, Jerry's Artarama and Asel Art carry the Chartpak Blender. Call ahead and have them hold one for you or at least make sure they have some in stock so you don't make a trip for nada.
You can also bring anything you have not finished to class. I will have complimentary small Gessobords from Ampersand for the Blender Photo transfer.
Email me prior to 4 on Tuesday, if you have questions.
Happy Painting and Happy Thanksgiving!
Leslie Pierce
This Tuesday is our last class for this session of Amazing Acrylics. Thank you all for taking my class. I have enjoyed teaching you!
I have attached my favorite narrative art piece ever and by Norman Rockwell.
Narrative art tells a story so for our last project tell a story with your images and painting. It can be current events, personal, mythological or abstract.
1. As mentioned in class, we will be finishing up with a photo transfer(s) project. The first method uses the Chartpak Blender marker.
Please bring your Chartpak Blender (says Blender P-O (201) on the white part of the label) and photo copies (NOT your home printer or it may not work) from a place like OfficeMax- the kind that costs 9 cents on copy paper for black and white or 50 cents for color laser prints.
Remember to flip your image for this process for it to transfer the right way. You may want to get multiple copies made to bring along.
You do not have to flip the image for method number 2/below, which we will not be doing in class but I have provided this great info for you to try at home:
2. The second method requires some prep work. This uses the Acrylic Gloss Gel and here is what to do:
Coat your image (color or black and white copy station printout.) with a large foam brush with a thin layer of Acrylic gel medium. (Do it on freezer paper so it is not so messy. Repeat for 3-5 coats letting each coat dry in between. I alternate directions of stroke per layer- one layer vertical next layer horizontal and so on.
Let completely dry over night and soak your image in warm water and peel off the paper bits between your fingers while submerged in the warm water.
Miller's Blueprint, Jerry's Artarama and Asel Art carry the Chartpak Blender. Call ahead and have them hold one for you or at least make sure they have some in stock so you don't make a trip for nada.
You can also bring anything you have not finished to class. I will have complimentary small Gessobords from Ampersand for the Blender Photo transfer.
Email me prior to 4 on Tuesday, if you have questions.
Happy Painting and Happy Thanksgiving!
Leslie Pierce